torsdag 3 februari 2011

Will of the Creator

A proof of an intelligent Singularity (Creator) I have given in an earlier blog post of this blog.
[Much of the following reasoning is formal logic - based on scientific premises. A more formal version of parts of the following, you will find in this article: Link - and also, click on all of the provided links to get the reasoning for the statements made.
In this post I will provide a quote which shows what the Creators purpose is for your life. A great question asked by many people is: “What is the meaning of life?” If you accept mathematical logic and science you will be able to answer that question after reading this blog post.

“(…) No matter how far back scientists theorize, no matter how far back astronomers can see in time, there is always a dead end: the Prime Cause Singularity. (…) All scientific theories require – and lack – a "Prime Force Singularity." Scientists contradict logic and science when they preach that everything in the universe has a cause – and that's science, except the universe itself – in which case discussion of cause is religion and anti-science.
It is inconceivable that the "Prime Force Singularity," the only thing around at the time, was anything other than the Omniscient Singularity Force having a comparably intelligent purpose in creating both this universe around us and you and me in it.

Omniscient Creator

What are the implications of an Omniscient Creator? First, an Entity Who is Omniscient makes no mistakes. Therefore, the Omniscient Creator is Perfect, i.e., no imperfection exists, or can exist, in the Creator – as that would render Him imperfect, an intractable contradiction. The absorption of an imperfection, such as imperfect humans like you or me, would, therefore, render an Omniscient Creator self-contradictory. This is the very essence of the principle of Qodësh and le-havdil bein [English: between] Qodësh le-khol. In other words, the Creator must remain Perfect (Tehilim [hellenized to “Psalms”] 92.16) and Immutable (Malâkhi 3.6).

Will of the Creator – How to know?

This has compelling implications in sorting out the single logical, single true understanding of the Singularity-Creator from the myriad errors. This implies that no contradictions may be attributed to a Perfect Creator simply because of humankind’s limited, and distorted, understanding.
Einstein observed that the Creator isn’t capricious [Swedish translation: nyckfull]. The Creator of the complex physical laws of our universe, many still far beyond our understanding, imply the Omniscient [Swedish: allvetande] Creator. An Omniscient Creator, in turn, implies the creation of an intelligible universe – and you and me within that intelligent and intelligible purpose (Devârim [Deuteronomy]) 30.11-14). The only real challenge to our intelligence is to derive this purpose in accordance with His laws – logic, not feelings and intuition.

Instruction Manual of the Creator

This further implies that an Intelligent and non-capricious Creator would not leave His sapient creatures without an Instruction Manual to ascertain, and aspire to, His purpose. Logic dictates that an intelligent and non-capricious ha-Sheim [the Creator] has certainly provided, and ensured the survival of, His Instruction Manual somewhere in timespace that is accessible to intelligent seekers (i.e., in history rather than buried on a still-undiscovered planet or the like) and bears His Imprimatur and Endorsement. Consequently, the circumspect sapien will search for His Signature, His Signet stamp in the affairs of humankind, immediately followed by the handing down of His Instruction Manual. Unsurprisingly, one finds His Instruction Book as simply as translating “Instruction Book” into the language of Avraham, Yitzkhâq – ‘Isac’ -, Yisrâ•eil, Moshëh – Mose – and the first century Ribi Yehoshu: Torah!!!

One can pursue this quest from Atlantis to “ancient mariners” and today’s UFO reports searching for His Signature. Yet, only one great series of (natural) miracles stands out in the history of mankind, heralding the Creator’s Signature. This Signature is attested in a well-documented ancient text that enjoys continuing archaeological and scientific corroboration with every new discovery. This text describes the 10 makot – ‘plagues’ – that culminated in Israel’s deprture from Egypt. This increasingly corroborated document, the Hebrew Tana”kh – the Hebrew Bible, signals the Divine predesign in the affairs of humankind – His Signature and Imprimatur. Moreover, we find His Torâh handed down directly thereafter.

For those who know how to read it – in Hebrew, not English, of course (much less misojudaic interpretations contradicting its authors) – here is the Creator’s Torâh for you. Torâh explains why the Creator created you and the purpose of your life: relating to the Singularity-Creator and how to commune with Him. Because of the principle of le-havdil bein Qodësh le-khol (wa-Yiqrâ 10.10) – i.e. to separate between holy and profane, necessitated by the mutual exclusivity of His Perfection and our imperfection, His Torâh provides the Guidelines (mitzwot -directives,mishpâtim and khuqim) to relate properly to His creation and His other creatures, including the rest of humankind. Living (not believing or intellectually recognizing) according to His Torâh is what enables His gracious provision of kipur – expiation – to blot-out imperfections, thereby permitting us to commune with Him and, eventually, with the rest of His Torâh community in hâ-olâm ha-bâ – the Realm of the Heavens. Herein is happiness and purpose – and, since you’re reading this, it isn’t too late for you, if you’re serious enough about starting a new life dedicated to serving the Creator.” [1]

1. Adapted quote from “Atonement in the Biblical Covenant” by Paqid Yirmeyahu:
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